Sunday, August 7, 2011

No “vege” added and it is fresh

I will never give up oN you

because yoU are my everything after my family.

I am Ready to give full commitment and make you happy

and All I ever wanted to see is your sweet smile.

I hope you are Fine to know someone like me

who Is not the best man in the world,

but enough to be the best man For you I guess.

I just wAnt to put my trust on you

and hoping to get VIP seat inside your Heart


I am so alone wIthout you by my side.

I don’t know if this what we call Love but I believe it.

I want to be your trOublemaker,

and liVe with someone who likes to be called


sorrY if sometimes I might be too naive

Let’s hOpe we can be together and work for it

Because this is a secret message for yoU, I don’t want to lose it.

Password: my911-110-01-5228
Taken from a book entitle: Matter of Time by N.A