Sunday, July 31, 2011

Salam Ramadhan...

Friday, July 29, 2011


If you love someone let she go,
If she comes back to you, she is yours...
If she doesn't , she never was... edz, 2011

Wanita Yang Tidak Disukai Lelaki...

1. Wanita Lancang dan Mengawal Suaminya - Setiap lelaki selalu merindukan pendamping hidup yang solehah, taat beragama dan tunduk kepada ALLAH dan RasulNYA. Dan setiap kaum lelaki benci terhadap wanita yang gilakan kuasa, gemar mengawal suami dan sentiasa mahu menang. Bahkan suaminya sering kali dianggap tidak wujud.

2. Wanita Yang Gemar Mengeruhkan Keadaan - Dia selalu curiga, berprasangka buruk dan tidak senang melihat suasana senang.

3. Wanita Yang Bijak Berkata - Selalu ingin menonjol dan mempamerkan kemampuan. Pendapatnya tidak boleh dibantah.

4. Wanita Egois - Wanita ini tidak mahu melayani namun selalu minta dilayani.

5. Wanita Tomboi - Menyerupai lelaki. Sah tidak disukai.

6. Wanita Yang Gemar Menentang - Keras kepala dalam mewujudkan kemahuannya, tidak mahu tunduk kepada sesiapa (termasuk suami). Inilah wanita yang paling dibenci oleh kaum lelaki.

7. Wanita Yang Tiada Bercita-cita - Jenis wanita yang hanya menganggap bahawa tujuan hidup paling akhir adlah menikah dan setelah itu semuanya dianggap selesai. Tidak ada cita cita atau harapan.

8. Wanita Pendusta - Terbiasa berdusta dan asyik dengan gaya hidup yang palsu.

9. Wanita Yang Gemar Berleter - Membebel tanpa tujuan dan faedah. Bicaranyan tanpa kawalan dan ttidak memghiraukan lawan bicaranya.

Wahai wanita diluar sana elakkan lah diri daripada menjadi 9 punca wanita yang tidak disukai lelaki. INSYAALLAH kita mengharapkan yang terbaik dari kedua-dua pihak. Sikap manusia boleh diubah sekiranya kita mahu mengubahnya.

P/S: Di adaptasi dari sebuah buku "Indahnya Kahwin Muda" oleh SYAWANA AZIZ

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

emergency call...

What will you do when someone locks you outside the house??

Here some tips...

Errr.. I can’t think of anything now...

Should I call 911??

Yup I called “my 911” in my phone...

The conversation:

Me: Assalamualaikum
“The Operator girl”: Waalaikumssalam
Me: Buat ape??
“The Operator girl”: Membaca....
Bla bla bla...

I thought the emergency call will make feel better but it makes me feel SUPERB!!!

I heard the laughter! A sweet one after I told that I was locked outside the house...

And it makes me feel happy too...

Honestly, it was funny when you were locked outside...

We chat for awhile...

Bla bla bla bla again...

Suddenly azan, we stop...

After a few moment my mum comes back, of course,

Another laugh again + my brother too...


A good memory actually...

Bluek! Laugh ya?? Just you wait... :P

P/S: “The Operator Girl” adalah nama samaran sahaja, dan ini adalah cerita dari seorang sahabat kepada sahabat.
Bak kata seorang lagi sahabat baik: “Life only passes us once: Today’s moment becomes tomorrow’s memory, Enjoy every moment good or bad, because the gift of life is life itself”

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The reality that is waiting out there when new chapter of our life start

I try to search on google what I should do when I start working but nothing much information that I can get. So I make my own “plan” of my life and I hope it goes well (INSYAALLAH)...

There are few things that I think are very vital for fresh blood out there to do when they start working because one day they will think like this: “why I don’t do this earlier” we hope we are not one of them but as long as you prepare yourself for the waves ahead it should be fine. I call this as investment for things we may encounter in the future. Musibah datang dalam pelbagai keadaan dan bentuk.

1. The most important is SAVE money because there is no easy way of getting rich. From what I have read from books we should save around 10% - 30% of our salary. It seems like little but try to count if your salary is RM 2400 every month (30% = RM720, 20% = RM480, 10% = RM240) – you may in ASB, ASN or anything that can give the best return for you

2. Try to take INSURANCE for yourself first. Some people they may think is not worth it because they might think nothing will happen to them, well you are wrong! Accident happens in life because I have learnt from my experience. There are 2 types of insurance: 1. Insurance (cover your medical without any saving) 2. Insurance + saving (if you pay RM100, RM50 for medical cover and another RM50 is for saving but it depends on the margin you make with the insurance company when you sign the contract. It can be 50:50, 60:40, etc) – why take insurance? Let say you break your hand while playing football and you don’t have cash (insurance will cover you). You can say you can go to government hospital, yes you can try but you will be OKU first before they operate you because government means wait. Congratulation you are under waiting list! So wait until you cacat. So take insurance my friends!

3. Buy a HOUSE? Or CAR? Well, I would say wait for a little longer because you need to think where you want to settle down with your life partner. As for car, you can buy but don’t make it a burden for you yet if you cannot afford. Once you have commitment with car you will have no life for the rest of next 7 or 9 years (RM6xx every month if you take PESONA). Trust me, when other people can bring out their family out for dinner (once in awhile) you keep counting how much your money left in your wallet because of car. You can buy a car when your pay increases around RM3oo0 (maybe more). If you buy a car right after you work, you’ll get a hard life in the future. You can’t get married yet because all your money goes to the car and you need around RM20k (at least) to get married. Well you can say bye bye to your girlfriend.

4. Better get married first, and then can think about car after that a house (my suggestion only). In my plan I want to get married before I turn 26, I hope I find someone who understands me well. I can only planning the authority is not in my hand but ALLAH. (Doa, doa, doa) haha! – A house is a good investment for the future (big or small it doesn’t matter as long as your OWN house). Don’t see your life as a part but see as a whole. Kata orang jawa: “fail to plan is like plan to fail”

5. If you come from a rich family, all this craps doesn’t count (that is your luck come from a rich family) for me I want to work hard for myself and family and future family. I want to be successful in life and want to make people around me happy. The BEST INVESTMENT for muslim is in the mosque (solatlah dan berdermalah di jalan ALLAH nescaya kamu akan di bantu kelak). You will get the dividend after you passed away.

“The view from down here seems fine, but you should see the view from up there it much clearer” edz, 2011

P/S: I hope this post helps for those who needs help, if you have suggestions feel free to comment. Thanks!

Wanita Yang Mudah Mendapat Jodoh

1. Wanita Beragama dan Ahli Ibadah

2. Wanita yang Berakhlak Mulia

3. Berparas Cantik dan Menawan Hati

4. Wanita Cerdas dan Berketrampilan

5. Memiliki Latar Belakang Yang Baik

6. Memiliki Pemahaman yang Benar dalam Ilmu Agama

7. Sihat Jasmani

8. Wanita yang Sederhana

9. Pandai mengatur Rumahtangga

10. Wanita yang sanggup hidup Sengsara

P/S: Di adaptasi dari sebuah buku "Indahnya Kahwin Muda" oleh SYAWANA AZIZ

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lelaki Yang Sangat Disukai Wanita...

1. Lelaki Beragama dan Taat beribadah

- siapa yang tidak mahu memiliki seorang lelaki yang beragama (yang ni tak payah explain)

2. Lelaki Berkeperibadian Tinggi, Berpendirian Teguh dan Suka Bekerja Keras

- lelaki yang mampu menghadapi pelbagai tentangan dan masalah hidup, rajin bekerja untuk menafkahi keluarga

3. Lelaki Yang Memberi Perhatian dalam Memahami Tabiat dan Perasaan Wanita

- lelaki yang pandai mengambil hati wanita dan memahami perasaan mereka

4. Beraklak Mulia dan Dermawan

- ni paham kot, jangan la kedekut sangat

5. Peribadi Pemberani

- wanita suka pada lelaki yang boleh memberi perlindungan kepada mereka, mereka spesis yang bergantung... :P (so lelaki jadi tempat bergantung yang baik)

6. Lelaki Bersih dan Rapi

- jaga penampilan (wanita akan bangga sekiranya suami mereka berketrampilan)

7. Lelaki Yang Sederhana dan Pandai Menjaga Rahsia

- yang ni penting! jangan menunjuk2 dan jaga rahsia bersama

8. Lelaki Yang Berpengaruh dan Status Yang Tinggi

- bukan bermaksud mempunyai jawatan tinggi (tapi kalau ada plus point kepada mereka), ni lebih bermaksud yang mempunyai ilmu dunia dan akhirat

9. Lelaki Ceria dan Pandai Bergurau

- errrr, ni sifat semula jadi kot, tapi boleh di latih..

10. Lelaki Yang Memiliki Rasa Cemburu Pada Isterinya

- bukan cemburu buta, tapi cukup untuk si isteri mengetahui yang dia hanya yang satu bertahkta di hati

11. Lelaki Yang Mencintai Isteri Secara Tulus

- jangan main kayu dua @ tiga @ empat

12. Lelaki Yang Suka Membantu Isteri.

- jangan la berat tulang sangat, kalau isteri masak yang lelakinya basuh pinggan, kalau isteri basuh kain yang lelakinya pergi jemur, kalau isteri kemas bilik yang lelakinya lipat baju... :P (bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh)

P/S: Di adaptasi dari sebuah buku "Indahnya Kahwin Muda" oleh SYAWANA AZIZ, next post will be on Wanita Yang Mudah Mendapat Jodoh

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why do people get fever??

To really understand what a fever is, you need to say hello to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is in the center of your brain. Think of it as your body's thermostat — like that thing on the wall in your house that you use to set the heat or the air conditioning. Your hypothalamus knows what temperature your body should be and will send messages to your body to keep it that way.

Once these germs march in and make you sick, they can sometimes cause certain chemicals to flow into your blood. When your hypothalamus gets word that these chemicals are on the scene, it automatically sets your body's thermostat higher. Instead of saying your body should be 98.6° F (37° C), your body's thermostat might say that it should be 102° F (38.9° C).

Why does the hypothalamus tell your body to change to a new temperature? Researchers believe turning up the heat is the body's way of fighting the germs and making your body a less comfortable place for them. A fever is also a good signal to you, your parents, and your doctor that you are sick. Without fever, it's much more difficult to tell if a person has an infection. That's why grown-ups are concerned when you have a fever.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Indahnya Islam itu...

"Dan di antara tanda-tanda kebesaran ALLAH itu bahawa Dia jadikan bagi kamu pasangan hidup agar kamu mendapatkan ketenangan/kebahagiaan bersamanya. Kemudian ALLAH ciptakan di antara kamu mawaddah dan rahmah"

(Surah Al-Rum, ayat 21)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

14 Syaaban 1432H

Nisfu Syaaban - 16 Julai 2011

Amalan pada malam Nisfu Syaaban:

Apabila telah selesai solat maghrib kata Imam Syahrurazi, Sohiba (Awariful Maarif) hendaklah dibaca “Yasin” dengan diniatkan mohon dipanjangkan umurnya dalam mentaati Allah, kemudian dibacakan doanya. Kemudian dibacakan pula "Yasin" dengan diniatkan diluaskan Allah rezkinya yang halal dan diberkatinya, kemudian lalu dibacakan doanya. Kemudian dibacakan pula "Yasin" serta diniatkan minta dimatikan dalam iman, kemudian dibacakan doanya.

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. :-

“Segerakanlah mengerjakan amal-amal soleh sebelum kamu sibuk, dan adakanlah perhubungan di antara kamu dengan Tuhan kamu dengan memperbanyakkan zikir (ingatan) kepadaNya.”

Semoga hidup kita di dunia ini penuh dengan keberkatan dan keredhaan oleh ALLAH Allah S.W.T. InsyaAllah.

10 best FOODs that burn fat...

Lazy to exercise? Here are the list of the best FOODS that burn your belly fat... Sila tengok bawah, sekiranya tidak nampak jari kaki ini bermakna perut anda lebih maju kehadapan daripada anda... :P

Here some tips for those who wants to help themselves:

1. Oatmeal

why oatmeal? because oatmeal rich with fiber (it sucks our cholesterol and fat in our body). Plus fiber rich oatmeal stays in our stomach for hours (so we don't keep thinking bout food).

2. Almonds and all kind of nuts

If you want to steer clear of the devastating side effects of statin drugs and still get your cholesterol numbers looking good, eating almonds may be just the right choice. Studies have shown that eating a nutritious diet that includes almonds sends LDL numbers plummeting. And there's more. Eating almonds provides super strength protection against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and even weight gain and obesity.

Important: reduce salted nuts (it raises blood pressure)

3. Protein Powder

Protein powder contains amino acids that burn fat and build muscle. REMEMBER: Don't take the build muscle protein because that one just making u look "bigger". Take the one it stated on the label "whey product". Whey (milk product).

4. Eggs

Eggs contain vitamin B12, which your body needs to metabolize fat. In fact, researchers at Louisiana State University found that people who ate eggs for breakfast every day lost more weight.

Reminder: Don't take everyday because it can increase cholesterol too.. :P Telor ayam kampung is better than the town chicken.

5. Beans

Beans are low-cal and packed with protein and fiber, which help you tone up and lose weight.

6. Meats and Fish

Your body burns more calories digesting protein than carbs or fat. Want the leanest meat out there? Opt for turkey, but to cut down even more on saturated fat, choose fish. Go for tuna and salmon; they are full of omega-3s, which help prevent stress chemicals that promote fat abs.

7. Whole Grain

The right kinds of carbs are actually good for you. Choose whole grains — their fiber keeps you from getting hungry.

Watch out: Sometimes bread labeled "wheat" has been stripped of all of its fiber and nutrients. Look for "whole grain" or "100 percent whole wheat."

8. Green Vegetable

No explanation for this, because I'm allergic to green vege... but its good... hehehe

9. Dairy Milk

Perfect! I love milk the most from this list. There's a reason the woman in the yogurt commercial fits into her bikini: Calcium helps break down fat and may even prevent it from forming!

Reminder: Always take the one "low fat" or "free fat".

10. Ice Lemon Tea

"Tea, especially green tea, is rich in antioxidants that have been proven to speed metabolism," explains Mark Ukra, author of The Ultimate Tea Diet.

Watch out: No ice even better.

P/S: This post is for those maybe who wants to lose weight but so lazy to exercise or maybe for those who wants to maintain their body. Not to forget this is a reminder for myself to have a good lifestyle. Bagi yang tak makan sayur diluar sana sila sila lah makan sayur, jangan makan sayur2 yang terpilih je... :P, (jangan terasa)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Another H0ttie... :P

dream ... dream ... dream ... lalalalala... :P

currently playing this game...