so easy, enter SUBWAY... choose your bread (for example: HONEY OAT), just say "I WANT SUB OF THE DAY" and then choose your vege and sauce. The cashier will say RM7.50 (without drinks). Then u pay... :P
The only one stop that you can get every info. Unfortunately, its as bad as it looks. Well, I try my best to give the best post in my blog, I hope it wont be too bias. LoL!
Bila malam melabuhkan tirai tiada siapa yang mampu menghalang, bila pagi mempersembahkan cahayanya tiada siapa yang mampu menahan. Tetapi bila manusia mencari kebenaran maka itulah fitrahnya.
dh pnh masuk subway, tp xpernah lg beli.. xpndai.. xder org nk ajar.. :P LOL !
so easy, enter SUBWAY... choose your bread (for example: HONEY OAT), just say "I WANT SUB OF THE DAY" and then choose your vege and sauce. The cashier will say RM7.50 (without drinks). Then u pay... :P
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